Jazakum Allah Khairan Ya Ikhwani Wa Ikhawati
As-Salaam Alayikum wa Rahmat Allah wa Barakatuhu
وَ لا تَهِنُواْ وَ لا تَحزَنُواْ وَ أَنتُمُ ألاعلَونَ إِن كُنتُم مُّؤمِنِينَ
Do not be dejected nor grieve. You shall be the uppermost if you are Believers. (3: 139)
And so should you believe. After a long journey and an unguided life, I have finally found the light at the end of the tunnel! Insha'Allah, Allah (swt) will forgive my sinful past and continue guiding me on a path of righteousness. An unlikely revert to Islam, I am committed to this path. In the past, I committed to a life I know now was wrong. I have lived a life uninspired. Alhumdulillah, in recent years I have felt the call, and once I took that first step I felt a warming in my heart.
This tool, this blog, is new to me. I am trying hard to learn how to use it and make it a tool of Allah (swt), a way to convey the information you should know. Insha'allah, I will be able to make an interesting and dynamic site you will enjoy visiting. For now, I will leave you with a well produced, well known nasheed.
Fi Iman Allah!
Click here to listen to 'Idhrib-Ya-Asad-Al-Fallujah-71'
Click here to listen to 'Erhaby-Ana'
Click here to listen to 'Barodaty'
Click here to listen to 'Sabran-Baghdad-83'
Well, I thought I would continue...
Lebanon. They're calling Lebanon a soveriegn country, but this land is totally under the control of the Shi'a Rafidites of Syria and Iran. I know there have to be brothers of the Ahl Al-Sunnah there. But where are they? There is a brittle cease fire between the elements of Hizballah and the United States funded puppet government of Israel. While Hizballah and Israel bicker with themselves, where is Ahl Al-Sunnah? The last thing the Middle East needs is for Iran and Syria to get any more power. There is enough of a Shi'a presence in Lebanon. Is this an opportunity? An opportunity to guide the misguided, an opportunity to educate the uneducated, an opportunity to set the example by following a true and righteous Aqidah?
Here is a good, but short, book on the role of medical professionals in the treatment of prisoners, or as the United States calls them "detainees", in Iraq, Guantanamo, and elsewhere. I wonder if these practices will change now that the prisoners have been granted POW status and now fall under the Geneva Conventions. At any rate, the doctors involved should be ashamed of themselves. Check out the book.
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