An Unlikely Revert

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Moved On

Ana Ashshadu ina la illah illa Allah wa Muhammed Rasul Allah

Jazakum Allah Khairan Ikhwani wa Ikhawati,

It has been some time since I last posted anything but I am trying to get more active. I have spent the last year or so doing some more reflection. My situation allows me to be closer to nature than ever before which has been enlightening for me, and allowed me to focus more on my imaan, but it has been difficult for various reasons, not impossible, but difficult. The brothers that I have found are true to the Aqeedah and very strong spiritually and otherwise which has been very rewarding. I've grown as a Muslim, and I have learned a lot from them. I've moved away from the city life, and am now free of the pollution, traffic, noise, and masses of people. It has really cleared my head. Also, being where I am now, where there is so much empty space, I have had some unique opportunities with the brothers. I've been looking for the right path for years now, it started as a footprint, but grew into a path, then a dirt road. Someday, when I'm strong enough, I hope to be on the road to paradise, Insha Allah! But I'm not quite ready yet. I've said before that I was looking for the righteous path. I've found the path, now I just pray for the strength to keep walking. I pray for you, brothers and sisters.



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